Making Directorship Simple and Profound

20 years ago, the word "governance" was not in common use.  Someone learned directorship by doing it.  The qualifications for a good director were simply described as “integrity, common sense and business acumen”.  

Today, we face a more challenging governance environment.  Directors are under the spotlight.  Boards are expected to actively add value, not just passively confirm.  And the qualifications for a good director now include a long list of competencies….  

Has complication taken over?   Are we stuck in Stage Two, lost in the fog of complication?  Or can we maintain a "simple and profound" approach essential to good governance?




This article was first published in "Boardroom" in June 2015 by the Institute of Directors in New Zealand and is under copyright. If you use or quote from this material please attribute it to the author and publisher.

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